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Adam Doering

HLF Donor Named “Philanthropist of the Year” for 2023

Longtime HLF supporter Adam Doering has been named Philanthropist of the Year by the Golden Horseshoe chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Adam was recognized for his exemplary contribution to philanthropy, in particular his work on behalf of the Halton Learning Foundation.

Adam became a first-time donor to the Halton Learning Foundation in 2017, after learning from a colleague about how HLF helps eliminate financial barriers to learning for students in the Halton District School Board.

Adam was emotionally impacted by the many stories of need, and he was so impressed by how HLF helped low-income students to fit in and be included in learning, he convinced other family members to get involved too.

When Adam’s brother Mark was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2018, Adam wanted to do something to honour his younger sibling’s legacy. He and his family established the Mark Doering Thoughtful Fund in partnership with the Halton Learning Foundation (HLF) to support basic necessities for students in need.

In addition to his own regular donations to the fund, each year on the anniversary of Mark’s passing Adam rallies family members and his network of friends and colleagues to help support HLF’s work. In 2022 he created a fundraiser called Sunrise Yoga in the Park, which attracted more than 80 participants and raised $20,000 for HLF. A second Sunrise Yoga event will take place on September 24, 2023.

To date, Adam has raised close to $200,000 for HLF and his goal is to raise one million dollars to help students in need.



Sherri Armstrong