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Holding a fundraiser for HLF is easy as 1, 2, 3!

1. Understand that there are children in our community who need food, clothing and opportunities, and decide to help. From school bake sales and dances, to community barbeques and birthday donations, anytime you’re bringing people together is a chance to raise funds to support students in need.

2. Ask HLF for assistance. HLF can provide you with information about what we do, which you can share with event participants. We can even set up an online donation page for your event. OR set up a fundraiser for HLF on Facebook.

3. Spread the word about your fundraiser. Post it on social media, make up flyers, and ask friends and family to support you. Ask if your company has a matching donation program; that’s another opportunity to increase your impact!

White Oaks students held a movie night

Sherri & Darcy asked for donations instead of wedding gifts

Madison made snowcones

Madison made snow cones