2000 -The Halton Learning Foundation is established by the senior management team of the Halton District School Board to address the funding shortfall created by provincial cutbacks to Boards of Education. The School Board identified the need to identify alternate sources of funds to support school programs.
2004 – HLF begins operating as a registered charity.
2004 – HLF begins accepting donations for post-secondary scholarships to support graduating students.
2006 – HLF begins fund raising for the Eliminating Barriers to Education fund, which was established to provide emergency financial support for HDSB students in need.
2018–HLF celebrates its 15th anniversary. In 15 years, HLF disbursed more than $5.3 million in scholarships, school grants, and emergency funds to help more than 13,000 students come to school and stay engaged in learning.
Charitable registration #: 889975223RR0001